Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Do you ever look at your kids and totally see yourself when you were that age? Something about the way they tilt their head, or the way they move their hands, or the expression they have? That happened to me yesterday. I was standing in the kitchen making supper and Michael and I were talking about something, not sure what, but he looked at me and tilted his head a certain way and had this look on his face and was holding his hands just so and I had this really strange sensation that I was looking at myself at that age. It was really quite twilight zone-ish. I so look forward to all of those moments, seeing what parts of me and what parts of Mike each child picked up and will carry on with them. And eventually seeing in their children what will be carried forth into future generations. Thanks to genetics, a small part of us continues to live throughout the ages. Isn't God truly amazing?!