Thursday, March 26, 2009

Too Long!

I can't believe it has been so long since I posted! I was talking to a friend the other day and she was scolding me for being so out of date, as she should have!! Unfortunately, that's just how it is with 3 very active little boys. Actually things here have been pretty calm and normal. We have been illness free for the past few weeks, except for a small incident with out youngest. It was a Sunday morning and we decided to be lazy and stay home from church and just enjoy the beautiful weather. Mike sent me to Dunkin Donuts to grab breakfast for the boys around 7am. When I got back, our youngest was still not awake, this was the night that the time changed and we lost an hour so I didn't really think anything of it. Well, around 8:30 am I popped my head in the nursery to check on him and he was just sucking his thumb so I didn't bother him. Well, by 9:30 he still had not made a peep so I went in to get him up. He was totally out of it, I mean, unresponsive, did not respond to my voice, was sort of limp like. I thought he may just be groggy so i changed his diaper and took him on down stairs for his oatmeal. He didn't raise his head off my chest so i just fed him while he was sitting on my lap. He barely opened his mouth to eat, but he did eat all of his oatmeal. He was still just in a daze. I showed him some toys, set him down on the floor, nothing. At this point I was really starting to get worried. I took him outstide so daddy could talk to him because that usually really gets him going. Nothing. So I call the nurse on call and she suggested I have him checked out in the next 4 hours so I left immediately for our oncall doctor. By this time he had started to perk up a little but was still not himself and fell asleep quickly after we arrived at the Dr's office. They could not really find anything wrong with him. They did some blood work and everything looked normal. Well, I thought it best if I followed up with our own Dr. and he suggested 2 things. First, he thought it may be a blood sugar issue and prescribed a blood sugar test each morning with one of those blood glucose monitors. And he also thought we may want to go the route of a pediatric neurologist. After taking his blood sugar for 2 weeks first thing in the morning, it was all over the place, we decided to nix the pediatric neurologist and stick to a pediatric endocronologist to explore further his sugar issues. The pediatric neurologist was in play because we thought there may have been an issue with seizures. But given the glucose levels, we think this is the way to go. We have an appt on Thurs April 7 with the endocronologist. So, we'll go from there. Other wise he has been totally fine and his normal little self. He has gotten his one year molars and is a bit fussy but, that's normal! So, thankfully, we have been back to normal.