Another Cesaro boy has graduated from K-3! It was quite an evening! Matthew was so excited about his program. He kept telling us it was a secret. He was really cute about the whole thing. He helped me pick out his clothes for the program and was super excited to get all dressed up just like daddy. Everyone was actually ready to go on time and looking all spiffy. We took a few pre-program shots and then loaded up into the car. Nicky was in the way back by himself and Matthew and Michael were in the middle seat together. We arrived at the church in plenty of time, (thank goodness) and when I got the two older boys out and pulled the seat back I was greeted by a little boy covered in sunscreen. I mean all over his pants, shirt, carseat, shoes. I should have taken a picture of him before I cleaned him up. It was quite hilarious. So, Mike took Mattie to his classroom and dropped him off while i stayed behind and cleaned Nicholas and the car up. Luckily I'm pretty prepared and had a change of clothes in the car along with a huge pack of wipes. We made it in plenty of time and arrived in the sanctuary and sat with Poppa, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Steve. The program began with a 15 minute slide show of all the classes, there were some musical numbers and then the children received their diplomas. It was so cute! Followed by refreshments in the social hall. When I started thinking about it, Matthew really has accomplished a lot in this year. He mastered all of his letters, numbers, shapes, colors, recognizes his name and can spell it, learned our address, our phone number, learned how to wipe his own bottom (this is huge!!), and learned how to interact socially with others. Not to mention all he has learned about our God and our Savior this year. So he deserved to be recognized for all of those accomplishments. I must say Matthew was the best dressed little man up there, not that I am biased or anything. Here are a few pics from the program and a little video of their favorite song, "Going on a Bear Hunt" All in all it was a wonderful evening, full of happiness and not really any tears, if you can believe that!
To Mexico We Go
9 years ago
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